Small-block Indy intake

Part No.: AR185

Price: $55.00


AR185 throttle bracket kit is designed to work with the tall Indy 360 intake manifold.  The Indy 360 intake uses the wider W2 bolt spacing and is 7.0 inches tall.  The AR185 throttle bracket kit has a unique shape which allows it to properly fit the Indy 360 intake.  This throttle bracket is adjustable so it can be used with different carb spacer heights. Use with the AR194 throttle return kit for best results.

Used With: AR194

Dealers: Mancini Racing, Hughes Engines, Bob Mazzolini Racing, Indy Cylinder Heads

Instructions: View PDF File

Small block with W2 heads

Part No.: AR009

Price: $55.00


These AR Engineering throttle bracket kits solve the problem of hooking up your throttle linkage when using a taller than stock intake mainfold. These well engineered kits are adjustable in order to accommodate different carburetor spacer heights, and they are flexible enough to work with either Holley, Demon, or Edelbrock carburetors.  An additional feature of these kits is the fact that they will allow use of the Lokar cable kickdown system for control of your automatic transmission. There is no provision on these kits for the factory style kickdown linkage.

We recommend the use of the AR037 throttle return spring kit with this throttle bracket. We also recommend that you double check your throttle cable for proper operation. In many cases, you’ll require a longer throttle cable when using a taller bracket such as this. Several different throttle cables are still available from your local Chrysler dealer if you need a longer one.

Used With: AR037

Dealers: Mancini Racing, Hughes Engines, Bob Mazzolini Racing

Instructions: View PDF File

Magnum Engines

Part No.: AR004M

Price: $55.00


These AR Engineering throttle bracket kits solve the problem of hooking up your throttle linkage when using a taller than stock intake mainfold. These well engineered kits are adjustable in order to accommodate different carburetor spacer heights, and they are flexible enough to work with either Holley, Demon, or Edelbrock carburetors.  An additional feature of these kits is the fact that they will allow use of the Lokar cable kickdown system for control of your automatic transmission. There is no provision on these kits for the factory style kickdown linkage.

We recommend that you double check your throttle cable for proper operation after installation of the new bracket kit. In many cases, you’ll require a longer throttle cable when using a taller bracket such as this. Several different throttle cables are still available from your local Chrysler dealer if you need a longer one.

Dealers: Mancini Racing, Hughes Engines, Bob Mazzolini Racing, Richard Ehrenberg

Instructions: View PDF File

Smallblock, 318, 340 and 360

Part No.: AR004

Price: $55.00


These AR Engineering throttle bracket kits solve the problem of hooking up your throttle linkage when using a taller than stock intake mainfold. These well engineered kits are adjustable in order to accommodate different carburetor spacer heights, and they are flexible enough to work with either Holley, Demon, or Edelbrock carburetors.  An additional feature of these kits is the fact that they will allow use of the Lokar cable kickdown system for control of your automatic transmission. There is no provision on these kits for the factory style kickdown linkage.

We recommend the use of the AR027 throttle return spring kit with this throttle bracket. We also recommend that you double check your throttle cable for proper operation. In many cases, you’ll require a longer throttle cable when using a taller bracket such as this. Several different throttle cables are still available from your local Chrysler dealer if you need a longer one.

Used With: AR027

Dealers: Mancini Racing, Hughes Engines, Bob Mazzolini Racing, Richard Ehrenberg

Instructions: View PDF File

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